Autonomous Cars Reflection

Artificial Intelligence was never really a concern of mine until recently. The idea of autonomous cars was never on my mind either but reading and studying it made me grow interested. When I first…


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We Live in a Patchwork Pandemic Now

The coronavirus is hitting different parts of America in different ways, making the crisis harder to predict, control, or understand

This pattern exists because different states have experienced the coronavirus pandemic in very different ways. In the most severely pummeled places, like New York and New Jersey, COVID-19 is waning. In Texas and North Carolina, it is still taking off. In Oregon and South Carolina, it is holding steady. These trends average into a national plateau, but each state’s pattern is distinct. Currently, Hawaii’s looks like a child’s drawing of a mountain. Minnesota’s looks like the tip of a hockey stick. Maine’s looks like a (two-humped) camel. The U.S. is dealing with a patchwork pandemic.

The patchwork is not static. Next month’s hot spots will not be the same as last month’s. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is already moving from the big coastal cities where it first made its mark into rural heartland areas that had previously gone unscathed. People who only heard about the disease secondhand through the news will start hearing about it firsthand from their family. “Nothing makes me think the suburbs will be spared — it’ll just get there more slowly,” says Ashish Jha, a public-health expert at Harvard.

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